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Recording Details

Species: Mantella crocea
Genus: Mantella
Family: Mantellidae
Order: Anura
Class: Amphibia

Title: The calls of the frogs of Madagascar. CD 2
Year of publication: 2006
Editor: Miguel Vences, Frank Glaw & Rafael Márquez
Post: Editors
Isbn: 84-609-8402-8
Track: 37
Publisher: ALOSA, Sonidos de la Naturaleza Apartado de Correos 9259 E-08080 Barcelona Tel: 93 424 19 65
Length: 0:00:30
Author of recording: Frank Glaw
Location: Madagascar
Observations: Recorded from a captive specimen
Call Type: Call
Info. on recorded individual:
Fonozoo Ref.: 850


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